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(Or any Armed Forces) And why you shouldn’t either.

How can you fight for something if you do not even know the cause?

The United States government military is no longer working for the protection and safety of the American people. It is working for the elite few people who are using our armed forces as a business to make themselves rich. All while sacrificing the young, eager, patriotic, and heroic citizens of America. They join thinking they are doing our country a service. What they are really doing is completing tasks that they have zero knowledge of for a cause they don’t even know. This is the sad reality that we have come to in our country and until those of you who are involved stand up we will never beat the enemy within our own government system. I would have loved to join the military and serve our country. I have always been very athletic and competitive. I know it would have been a perfect fit for me. I have also always looked up to and been very thankful to those who have served. Unfortunately, once I was introduced to it I morally knew that I could not enroll due to the fact that I would not know the cause I was fighting for. That may seem silly to some who would say “You are fighting for America and our freedom!” right? That is what we are led to believe and though that may have been the case in the past, right now in 2023 I would not be serving our country. I would be serving those who have and continue to corrupt our government. Those in power who choose to fight wars we should have nothing to do with, killing or forever psychologically wounding our soldiers. The small majority of corrupt people in our government is ruining our country and sending your loved ones to die for a cause that no longer exists.

When you give your life to commit to something like that you should think twice about who you are actually serving. Not what, but who you are really fighting for. The answer to that is not the American citizens. If soldiers in the armed forces don’t start standing up to their chief of command and they don’t start standing up to theirs we will no longer have the America we live in today. If you are someone who wants to and knows you can make a difference, try starting in your hometown. Find a cause and go after it.

Side note: I cannot think of one war movie that does not have a corrupt commander in it. Can you?

Until next time, Saddle Up!

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