“The public holds high standards because we have the right to take their freedom or shoot them.”
Quote spoken by an officer who has their own podcast.
With a responsibility this great, would it seem appropriate to you to experience first hand just how life altering this can be for those who aren’t so fortunate? Though you serve and encounter terrible things in your career. As citizens we feel the same way only regarding different challenges.
Whereas you sign up to deal with hard things to see,
We don’t sign up to have our government take away our freedom. Yes, you understand what you sign up for and yes citizens understand what potential consequences of their actions could be.
Here is where we get really intertwined with each other’s feelings only we have no idea that the other is feeling the exact same way …
Because the officer is having to answer to their superior and the citizen is having to answer to their superior, the police officer….
Often times once someone is so demoralized they aren’t capable of getting out or changing their lives as easily as one may think possible.
Cops have their circle… in my experience, none of them seem to think for themselves or speak up.
Citizens have their circles. Doing “wrong” as defined by the congress, maybe but can’t see a way out of withdrawals. Or making money to stay afloat.
Both scenarios are equally hard to escape after living and socializing in the same city for so long.
This is a concept I believe we both have in common. Problems, when not addressed become a black hole/ habit that makes it seem impossible to escape. Then isolation.
The only way out is to tell someone who can help. Confess, aggree there is a problem. Humble yourself to know your flesh alone is not strong enough but with every stride forward God will fill in the blanks.
Officers and citizens alike can spiral into a place they never imagined they would be. What started out as fun and good intentions turned into a hindurance. The difference is, when we fall short, we can have our freedom taken from us.
Our money.
Our jobs.
Our family.
Our vehicles.
Our privilege to drive.
Our self worth.
Once in the system it is set up to make it exceedingly difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to get out of.
Unless the person has a massive support system in place. Most do not.
Wearing a badge serves as a reminder that you have a support system.
You have resources.
you have power.
Are you able to open up to this support system if needed? Or do you feel you better keep it to yourself?
In the end is it full of uplifting, respectful, honorable, people? Or is it short of what you imagined? Your job has an impact. Not only on you but on your peers, your leaders, chiefs, your neighbor, and who you label as criminals.
On the freedom of the American people.
An officer is the most significant role of all. Your impact reaches out through your town into your city, state, and country wide.
I want you to receive the recognition you have earned. I want you to see that your voice can and will shape our country back to its true values and beliefs.
Every officer is trained to follow commands.
(every citizen is trained to follow laws)
Take a serious look at what those commands are. Do you think they are all for the greater good??
When given the honor to wear a badge and serve I believe you feel as though you have great authority to better your community. Until you realize its not you who actually gets to call the shots.