officers with their hands tied or so they believe…

You become an officer to uphold the law.

You become an officer to make the world a better place.

Then you are given a choice, for the law is a system.

It has rules in place regarding multiple thorough processes that you must follow to protect supposedly yourself as well as the alleged perpetrator.

You begin to face the public with what you perceived would be mutual respect.

Slowly but surely you are forced to let your honor and guard down inside yourself causing a world of upheaval and mixed emotions.

Not quite sure why the community doesn’t have the same understanding as you do.

After all you’re just “doing your job” why doesn’t anyone get it? Respect it? Appreciate it?

Systems do not work on people because we are not systems.

The enforcers, nor the enforced.

This is the reason that our tried and true mistakes need to change. Humans cannot be put on auto pilot mode to enforce whatever someone claims the law is. ( which in my opinion is not based upon our real rights and duties as humans any longer)

It is broken

It is breaking the citizens who are caught up in it.

It is breaking the honorable officers who spend every single day trying to uphold it.

If you are an officer or a citizen the reason we are not able to connect in which the ways we are promised is actually very simple. Please email me if you would like to know the reason. If you would like to be apart of changing our reality.


It is because we are not serving our communities. We are serving the government.



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